ऐन रैंड

ऐन रैंड

Birds of Prey: Freedom of the Will and the Value of Genealogy

I will be addressing two issues in this review essay: freedom of the will and the value of genealogy...

Mar 7, 2011
Diana Hsieh
6 मिनट
क्रिस सियाबारा द्वारा प्रतिक्रिया

This commentary is part of The Atlas Society's 2000 online "CyberSeminar" entitled " Nietzsche and Objectivism ." ...

5 मार्च, 2011
क्रिस मैथ्यू सियाबारा
4 mins
नीत्शे और ऐन रैंड

यह टिप्पणी एटलस सोसाइटी के 2000 के ऑनलाइन "साइबरसेमिनर" का हिस्सा है जिसका शीर्षक है "नीत्शे और ऑब्जेक्टिविज्म। ....

5 मार्च, 2011
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
7 mins
On Human Nature and Values

This commentary is part of The Atlas Society's 2000 online "CyberSeminar" entitled " Nietzsche and Objectivism ." Essays and Comments on

Mar 4, 2011
4 mins
एटलस श्रग्ड मूवी: जॉन एग्लियालोरो के साथ साक्षात्कार

पहले मैं आपको कुछ पृष्ठभूमि देता हूं। मैंने अगस्त 1992 में लियोनार्ड पेइकॉफ से पुस्तक की एक फिल्म बनाने के लिए पंद्रह साल का पट्टा खरीदा था

Feb 15, 2011
एडवर्ड हडगिन्स
7 mins
Liberalism vs. Objectivism

Ayn Rand criticized both the “liberal” Left and the “conservative” Right poles of American politics. She identified both major political

Jan 26, 2011
5 mins
Freedom of Speech

Objectivists absolutely hold that we have a right to freedom of speech. It is an aspect of our broader right to liberty: the right to take..

Jan 25, 2011
विलियम थॉमस
2 मिनट
फाउंटेनहेड में नियतिवाद?

ऐन रैंड ने उन अंशों को लिखा जो लियोनार्ड पिकॉफ ने द फाउंटेनहेड, शताब्दी संस्करण (728-732) में अपनी पत्रिकाओं में उद्धृत किए हैं।

Jan 25, 2011
5 mins
एटलस ने भविष्यवाणी के रूप में कंधे उचकाए

October 2007 -- In the newsrooms of New York, in the corridors of Congress, and in the parlors of political parties, prognostication is the

Jan 8, 2011
एडवर्ड हडगिन्स
10 mins
Interview with Anne Conover Heller

William Thomas interviews Anne Conover Heller on the writing of her acclaimed biography Ayn Rand and the World She Made.

Dec 5, 2010
10 mins
एटलस झेंप: एक फिल्म का निर्माण

याद करने के लिए एक शाम थी। 7 दिसंबर, 2010 को, न्यूयॉर्क शहर के ऐतिहासिक हडसन थिएटर में, एटलस सोसाइटी ने एक उत्सव प्रायोजित किया

Oct 13, 2010
एडवर्ड हडगिन्स
3 mins
Thomas Paine's Influence on Ayn Rand

To my knowledge, Ayn Rand came somewhat independently to her own views. She may have imbibed Paine second-hand through such Old-Right

Sep 30, 2010
2 मिनट
Scholarship and Ayn Rand's Writing

It is my view that scholarly writing has several distinctive characteristics: It shows careful reading of primary sources and a thorough

Sep 30, 2010
2 मिनट
Rand and Anna Karenina

Ayn Rand indeed regarded Anna Karenina as her least favorite novel. She presented her negative analysis of Anna Karenina in the article...

Sep 29, 2010
मिशेल फ्राम-कोहेन
2 मिनट
Philosophy Scholarship and Rand

Ayn Rand is not a revered figure in academic philosophy at this time. But there is a growing body of scholarship on her ideas by academic

Sep 28, 2010
विलियम थॉमस
2 मिनट
Book Review: "Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged"

BOOK REVIEW: Edward W. Younkins, Editor, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged: A Philosophical and Literary Companion (Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot

सितम्बर 8, 2010
विलियम थॉमस
6 मिनट
रैंड सेंट्रल स्टेशन

For quite a number of years, I’ve been conducting guided walking tours of New York City. These include “Revolutionary Manhattan,” a tour of

सितम्बर 7, 2010
फ्रेड कुकिनहैम
4 mins
ऐन रैंड का सम्मान: मेरा फ्रीडम मार्च

Consider the following situation. It is 1963. You are a twenty-one-year-old graduate of Tuskegee University, rooming in Washington, D.C....

Aug 20, 2010
ऐनी वर्थम
4 mins
Honoring Ayn Rand: Rand as Dissident

A few years ago, a colleague whose intelligence I respect invited me to attend a lecture he was going to give. "This will not be one of.....

Aug 20, 2010
स्टीफन कॉक्स
3 mins
Honoring Ayn Rand: Contribution to Aristotle's Concept

December 2004 -- Ayn Rand acknowledged Aristotle as the only philosopher to whom she was indebted, the father of logic who defined "the bas

Aug 20, 2010
मिशेल फ्राम-कोहेन
2 मिनट

हम खुले ऑब्जेक्टिविज्म को बढ़ावा देते हैं: तर्क, उपलब्धि, व्यक्तिवाद और स्वतंत्रता का दर्शन।