

काउबॉय कोड द्वारा सफल

July/August 2008 -- Every now and then, Larry Barnes rides his big brown horse, Duke, around town and at nearby tourist destinations...

सितम्बर 7, 2010
फ्रेड मिननिक
4 mins
What About Bob?

I consider Bob Elliott a friend. We’ve traveled thousands of miles together. He’s made me laugh so hard I cried. Once, after he cracked a...

Aug 25, 2010
फ्रेड मिननिक
5 mins
शानदार सफलता

Those are not the kind of questions Landrum wants to be answering. “I’m looking for people who don’t need a lot of guidance,” he tells me...

Aug 25, 2010
अमांडा एरिक्सन
6 मिनट
The Victorian Atlas

January, 2004 -- Inventors are of two sorts. The first says: "Here is a principle. How can it be used?" The second says: "Here is a problem

Aug 12, 2010
3 mins
महिमा को पुनर्स्थापित करना: एक पुनर्जागरण शैली कला स्टूडियो आधुनिक जादू बनाता है

Bill Mensching has aged a painting four hundred years, created a gigantic glass mural for a hotel in Las Vegas, and shipped the makings of..

Jul 3, 2010
अमांडा एरिक्सन
5 mins
The Bright Idea: The IQ2 US Debates

Since 2006, the most objective presentations of conservative views to be heard in Manhattan have probably been those offered at a program...

Jul 3, 2010
5 mins
साइबोर्ग विविधताएं

The piano prelude begins insistently, with a loud, rhythmic figure repeated immediately at a lower register. The music winds up and down

Jul 1, 2010
किरा न्यूमैन
9 mins
Galaxy Girl: From Classical to Electronica

Ask Jeannette Claudine Romeu what she does, and you’ll get a collection of answers. The fifth-generation musician is by turns a pianist...

Jul 1, 2010
3 mins
Stand Up! (and Pee Like a Man)

What she came up with may give you the giggles. But the plastic horn-shaped device, dubbed a “ SheWee ,” has become a hot commodity for...

Jun 23, 2010
अमांडा एरिक्सन
4 mins
एलियट स्पिट्जर का उदय

जब वाशिंगटन पोस्ट के रिपोर्टर ब्रुक मास्टर्स ने न्यू के अटॉर्नी जनरल के रूप में एलियट स्पिट्जर के करियर का यह संपूर्ण विवरण लिखने के लिए तैयार किया।

21 मई 2010
7 mins
Switzerland Attacked!

Most Americans know peaceful and prosperous Switzerland—America’s “sister republic”—for its beautiful mountains, tangy cheese, decentralized

अप्रैल 4, 2010
एडवर्ड हडगिन्स
5 mins
एक शांत पूंजीवादी

It's a typical 3-H Washington, D.C. summer: hazy, hot and humid. And with small variations, the rest of the country...

Mar 12, 2010
एडवर्ड हडगिन्स
3 mins
राहेल एहरेनफेल्ड का नियम

In February of this year, the Danish newspaper Politiken issued a formal apology for republishing a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed clad....

Mar 1, 2010
किरा न्यूमैन
6 मिनट
Fashion Forward

If the great cities of the world were personified as women, you might think of Paris as fearlessly avant-garde. New York is, obviously, a...

Nov 30, 2009
अमांडा एरिक्सन
6 मिनट
Atlas Shrugged in Haight-Ashbury: A Memoir

Like a stock market that has finally found its bottom after a long, volatile decline, my spiritual assets were nearly depleted. I finally...

Apr 1, 2009
Molly Sechrest
10 mins
Profile: The New York Times's Gretchen Morgenson

In 2005, at Minnesota’s St. Olaf College, the stirring peroration of that year’s commencement address advised the graduating seniors to

1 अप्रैल 2007
10 mins
TNI's Interview with Walter Williams

I’m doing an autobiography. My long-time friend and colleague, Thomas Sowell, wrote an autobiography, A Personal Odyssey. He’s been after

Mar 1, 2006
Sara Pentz
12 mins
एलियट स्पिट्जर: अयातुल्ला जनरल

Eliot Spitzer became the attorney general of New York in 1999. In addition to carrying out the routine functions of that office, he has used

Apr 1, 2005
12 mins
फ्रैंक क्वाट्रोन के लिए मामला

Frank Quattrone, the star investment banker of the dot-com era, was convicted in federal court on two counts of obstructing justice and....

Jul 1, 2004
10 mins
- जो डिमैगियो: बेसबॉल के अभिजात वर्ग

On March 8, 1999, Joe DiMaggio died in his 85th year, a baseball legend, but also an American hero who represented the virtues and ideals of

May 1, 1999
डोनाल्ड कागन
6 मिनट

हम खुले ऑब्जेक्टिविज्म को बढ़ावा देते हैं: तर्क, उपलब्धि, व्यक्तिवाद और स्वतंत्रता का दर्शन।