
May 20, 2014

Reason and Emotions: An Atlas University conversation

In this Atlas University conversation David Kelley and William R Thomas discuss key ideas in the latter's video lecture on Reason and Emotions , which is Lecture 6 in our online Reason course.

He covers the traditional view of the conflict between reason and emotion, the Objectivist view of the nature of emotions, Ayn Rand's view that emotions are not tools of cognition, and what emotions are tools of.

वस्तुनिष्ठ वास्तविकता | एटलस विश्वविद्यालय

In this 30-minute presentation, philosopher and author David Kelley covers the essentials of the Objectivist view of metaphysical objectivity: the axiomatic concepts of existence, identity, causality, and consciousness, and their implication: the primacy of existence.

This video is the fourth lecture in the Atlas University course "Reason."

उद्देश्य वास्तविकता - एक एटलस विश्वविद्यालय वार्तालाप

Why do many philosophers deny the existence of objective reality? In this conversation David Kelley and William R Thomas discuss axioms and anti-objectivity. This conversation is based on Lecture 4, Objective Reality, part of our online Reason course.

स्वतंत्र इच्छा और नियतिवाद

In this conversation, William R Thomas and David Kelley discuss free will and determinism. The conversation is based on the video lecture " Volition: The Choice to Think " by Thomas. That lecture is the third in the course "Reason," offered by Atlas University , our online educational program.

We invite you to join the conversation below by adding a comment or question. David or Will will respond where appropriate.

Emotions and Reason

In this video presentation, philosopher and economics professor William R Thomas turns our attention to the relation between reason and our emotions. He covers the traditional view of the conflict between reason and emotion, the Objectivist view of the nature of emotions, Ayn Rand's view that emotions are not tools of cognition, and what emotions are tools of. This video is Lecture 6 in the multi-part Reason course.

The Essence of Mental Focus

In this conversation, William R Thomas and David Kelley discuss the essence of mental focus and how it comprises much more than just "concentration."

About the author:
कोई आइटम नहीं मिला.
कोई आइटम नहीं मिला.