घरThe Stubborn Pride of Fabrice Tourreशिक्षाएटलस विश्वविद्यालय
कोई आइटम नहीं मिला.
The Stubborn Pride of Fabrice Tourre

The Stubborn Pride of Fabrice Tourre

August 13, 2010

I fear that this statement about Fabrice Tourre’s fate, from James Peterson’s blog “Re:Balance,” is as true as it is disheartening to anyone concerned about justice and business rights: “Tourre faces a long haul of pre-trial depositions and document production, costly in both funds and emotion. Even with Goldman footing the financial bill, the grind on an individual opposing the forces of government is eventually crushing to the spirit.

Callow and over-stated enthusiasm for his defense position would be no great surprise, but a defendant’s stubborn pride that he was an innocent under venal superiors is a commodity whose value depreciates with the extended duration of a prosecution. That is, Tourre is a dead man in the industry no matter what.”

It was Jamie Olis’s “stubborn pride in his innocence” that got him sentenced to 24 years in prison. And yet, it was Olis’s stubborn pride that saw him through his ordeal.


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