The question of the moral permissibility of suicide for an egoistic philosophy is fascinating. It is challenging for Objectivism , which

The question of the moral permissibility of suicide for an egoistic philosophy is fascinating. It is challenging for Objectivism , which
If I understand the Bush administration's proposal from early 2005, it was intended to transition the Social Security system to something
Sociobiology is the doctrine that we have fundamental behaviors and psychological characteristics that are explained by the incentives
Sports are stylized, physical activities that call on a usually limited range of human talents, but they showcase excellence in the areas
I am sorry that, living in Argentina as you do, you have suffered through a terrible economic collapse. But you were not living in anything
To my knowledge, Ayn Rand came somewhat independently to her own views. She may have imbibed Paine second-hand through such Old-Right
Objectivity , as Ayn Rand defined and clarified it, is a certain characteristic describing the use of one’s reason and the degree to which
Before I get into the similarities and differences between Social Darwinism and Objectivism , I should point out that this accusation you...
Ayn Rand herself smoked, and many Objectivists still do. Objectivism has no particular position on smoking as such. However, I will comment
Objectivism does not hold that happiness is the ultimate goal. It holds that happiness is the ultimate purpose in life.This is an important
Objectivism holds that in a society in which people deal with each other by trade, there will exist a "pyramid of ability." It is a pyramid
To engage in rational philosophical discourse, one must understand and bear in mind the differences between the subjects of ethics and
If only Progressivism could be a genus of Objectivism! But, alas, no.The Progressive movement was originally an intellectual and political
Ayn Rand indeed regarded Anna Karenina as her least favorite novel. She presented her negative analysis of Anna Karenina in the article...
On the general level, Objectivism and Rationalism differ because the former is a philosophical system encompassing metaphysics, epistemology
Objectivism is totally opposed to racism. It is an individualist philosophy, and it holds that all people, first and foremost, should be....
Every initial property rights claim involves seizure of property, in a sense. As no property rights exist before property rights are founded
Objectivism holds that honesty is one of the major virtues. In the end, one gains nothing by dishonesty; it leaves one trapped in a web of f
"Individualism" is a term for classifying theories, such as ethical or social theories. Any theory that places the individual foremost or
Rights are fundamental political principles. As such, they are based in morality. They summarize how human beings ought to be treated in a